KambangIwak Park

After colonialism, the Dutch abandoned various buildings which not only fulfilled their aesthetic functions, but also their practical functions. The various buildings spread throughout the archipelago, not least in Palembang, South Sumatra. KambangIwak Park is one of the Dutch relics in Palembang that still exists today.

KambangIwak Park is a city park that has existed since the 1900s. The park, which was originally built for people of Dutch descent as a sporting place, has a lake in the middle. In addition to functioning as a decorative garden, this artificial lake also has a practical function as a place to accommodate rainwater overflows, so as to ward off flooding.

Literally, the name KambangIwak comes from a local language that can be interpreted as a fish pond. Making the lake as a fish pond, besides functioning as a place to store water and decorate the lake, is also the ideals of the Palembang community. These ideals must certainly be in line with awareness to continue to preserve and maintain the cleanliness of the lake.

KambangIwak Park is located between JalanTasik and JalanSutomo, Palembang City. The park which has an area of ​​around 5 hectares is equipped with various facilities that are continually updated. These facilities include, for example, children's playgrounds, seats, tap water that can be drunk directly, to free hotspot facilities for those who want to access the internet while relaxing to enjoy the shady park.

Every weekend, Taman KambangIwak is often enlivened by the community, ranging from children to adults who come from various communities, such as the music community, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, to the dance and theater communities. Equipped with a jogging track, Taman KambangIwak is also often enlivened for those who want to run around the lake or just exercise in the morning or in the evening.

The banks of the lake in Taman KambangIwak often found trembesi plants and other shady trees. From the trees often chirping birds that make the atmosphere become shady and beautiful. While in the middle of the transverse lake the bridge which has a length of about 200 meters. The bridge divides the lake and connects JalanTasik and JalanSutomo which are opposite. At night, KambangIwak Park offers a beautiful view with a shower in the middle of the lake, moreover the lights make the shower look more exotic

writer by Abdullah 


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what will you do if there is a flood in kambangiwak park??

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